our songs.

i didn't get to watch the "we are one" inaugural celebration on hbo. so i finally got my computer to cooperate and i spent the afternoon watching celebrities of all kinds celebrate this historical moment. now, i can't stop listening to "american pie."

it's certainly not a happy song. nonetheless, everything i attach to that famous refrain reminds of sunkissed car rides in north carolina, sand in my hair, and my eight-year-old desire to drive a chevy. so even when the song reaches its saddest moment - "the three men i admire most - the father, son, and tbe holy ghost - they caught the last train for the coast" i still want to be in the back of the rental car singing with my dad.

my family has always had songs - john mellencamp, bruce, rod stewart, the stones - that define some continual moment in time in our shared lives. growing up has made me want to listen them. wishing the car windows were still manually operated because it would make reliving the moment more authentic.


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